Saturday, July 11, 2009

mirror of dreams

....... how i wish , how i wish you were here " was echoing in that small room of his. as he lay back on that chair and took another sip of the gin and tonic he could not but stop himself from going back in time. the memories were blurred and the faces were blurred too. random thoughts filled his mind suddenly and he could not help looking at her face with the same wonderment he had since that day. there she was in a white salwar, looking so innocently ahead at life knowing not what it held for her. with the smile , which was just lingering on her face to make the most exquisite face into something when he looked transported him into someplace else. her face was beautiful and he could hardly take his eyes of her during the class, and when the eyes met he was shy like a girl and just took his eyes off. he could never hold her gaze and he knew she knew.
he looked at the half empty glass of gin , and rolled back and laughed. he remembered the first time he spoke , the first time he started speaking to her which then developed into something which everything else but the memory would vanish in no time. "so which reference book do you use for the physics class ?" and she blinked at him in wonder .. possibly wondering where did god pick such losers from. her smile at the question , and the answer with a voice so sweet that he could still clearly hear it made him the happiest person on the earth that day ! she always looked lovely like the angel from heavens and when she smiled at him he felt reassured .. that there was something to stay for.
the places they spent time, her face which had an impression forever in his heart was so innocent and so pure that it would never be tarnished by human emotions. maybe he did not love her , but what he felt was beyond explanation and something so innocent that he actually treasured it.
trrrrrrrrrringgg .. he stood up , and walked out to open the door. "paaapaaaaa" came the screams .. "well i always wonder what you do so long in that small room of yours" ... and he sighed .. and wished if only.


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