Friday, December 14, 2012

time capsule

he coughed, once ... twice. he wiped the dust but the smoke around was making him feel uneasy. but did not take his eyes off the road. how could he, for in front lay a million vehicles. he figured this should probably drive him crazy but strangely it was comforting. it was familiar. removed from the concrete uniformity methodical jungle he found himself in the midst of a chaotic , humane surroundings.

he looked around and wondered how people tolerated this huge conundrum. logically they should not. life back in the far west was different. more efficient in getting a person from point A to point B, far more involved in making life easier to work and at work. never worried about electricity, clean drinking water, facilities etc. those were still a luxury here. he could sense a distinct pattern emerging. people with enough monetary luxury could afford those basic amenities without any thought. the person on the street, the person selling flowers , the person in the bus, the person travelling 20kms a day to work was facing the burnt of the total and systematic collapse of governance. it was not so back there. it was hard not to make a comparison but sadly it was disillusioning. he was beginning to like that life. strangely he felt himself caught in a time capsule.

a time capsule.

a truck honking interrupted his thoughts. he looked back and the guy was gesturing. yes he had to move another 100m before being stuck again. however the person behind him had no patience and wanted to move that 100m as soon as possible lest some other vehicle occupy that space.

it was nice to be caught in a traffic jam. suddenly he could reflect on what he was feeling for the last couple of weeks.

yes a time capsule

it seemed like he was living two different lives. like parallel roads. and it seemed he hoped off one to another whever he wanted. previously it was easy. previously he did not know that existed. but he felt being aware of that , two roads and a bridge. and with each passing year the crossing over was becoming difficult. the roads were diverging.


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