What are you running after? I asked Jornet. Having beaten men, do you now want to challenge the mountains? He gently corrected me. You don’t beat the mountains. You go when they permit, he said. The speed records and “firsts” aren’t important except for motivation, he insisted. Then he mentioned the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Hughes Galeano, who once likened the ideal of Utopia to the horizon — goals that retreat even as we chase them. “The important thing is not to catch something,” said Jornet, whose own memoir, “Run or Die,” will be published in the United States in July. What matters in life is the pursuit, and everything we learn along the way. “The important thing,” he said, “is moving.”
- from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/magazine/creating-the-all-terrain-human.html?pagewanted=4&smid=fb-share
- from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/magazine/creating-the-all-terrain-human.html?pagewanted=4&smid=fb-share