Saturday, February 11, 2017

from ignorance is infinite

the true profoundness hit him. as he sat there , the snow covered miles in front of his window. The snowflakes danced to the tunes , from cosmos to the atoms .. the very existence manifested in that snowfall. He would himself up on the couch to understand what he understood, so that it never escaped him. not for a moment.

sitting there he went back to a time when it hit him once. briefly, for 3 days in a space created by accident not by design. he was not seeking for it then. But in hindsight he was a seeker. The first sign was when he felt at unease in a corporate boundary.

Enlightened I stood,
exposed by sheer ignorance.

The vanity of knowledge
and certainity
and rightfulness
is humbled by
sheer vastness of existence

In the middle i stand
of ignorance
I am anything but sad
Wrapped around is bliss
as the facade of me is broken

As i seek to know
realization dawns of the journey sofar
is not the end, but the beginning
of a journey to experience
life as life itself.
life, not life and that which is not.