Tuesday, July 02, 2013

as it rained

he climbed down the stairs with the books in his hand. the stairs were slightly broken at the edges after long years of existence, the walls of the building badly required a painting job. brown stains probably from the watchmans paan chewing habits. with a song on his lips of the latest hindi hit he nonchalantly walked out the building. he wanted to come back and play his favourite game on the courtyard of his building with his friends. the buzz in the air was starting. school was ending and all kids were on the verge of starting their evening adventures. he walked down the road, it was sloping downwards which led to the chawls at the end. cars were parked on both sides of the road leaving a little space in the middle for people to walk. there never was any traffic in these interior streets of the swirling chaos that made up bombay.

he walked down rapidly knowing he was a bit late. it was a familiar sight, with a familiar pattern on both sides of the road. high rise buildings with balconies, clothes were lined on them for drying in this hot indian sun. he wondered how many of his friends were behind those doors reading or watching television. he wondered how many cute girls were preparing themselves for the evening. his thoughts wandered to the exams next week. he needed to study hard, didnt want any more harsh words from his parents .. or his teachers or his private lessons tutor. he walked past the garbage dumping ground which reeked smell that only the stray dogs found attractive.

as he wound around the chawls, he saw the "bhaiyyas" as they were termed were still sleeping in afternoon bliss. he could see their stomachs rhythmically vibrating to the snores, he wondered if they drank too much milk to cause it. as he emerged he saw the bustling part of his neighborhood, small shops, buses chugging past him, the autorickshaws waiting for their customers, not to mention the herd of buffaloes making their way to the shed. springing past and almost jogging he reached his private lessons. he rang the bell, focussing on the lessons to be read and the door opened. the girl opened the door and ran away instantly. he lost his thoughts for a bit ... it was her. in a red chudidhaar she looked lovely. he felt a warm happy fuzzy feeling rise in him. he entered the room where 16 students were crammed into, with books in hand and seriously reading for the exams next week. he looked around , smiled at her a bit .. and got down to reading.

"just wait for me after class can you". he nodded his head quietly lest anyone else heard them. there was nothing secretive about it, but somehow when the girl in your heart even says a couple of words its guarded zealously like the gold mines location. he put on his shoes and waited outside the door. in a bit she came out and smiled radiantly. she had to come up with an excuse, that she had to cook something up to talk to him which wont show her affection for him so openly. she was a little nervous but happy he was there waiting for her. he was kinda cute but shy. he hardly spoke to girls but his eyes were large and kind and beautiful. his smile was restrained like holding a jar of chocolates. she grabbed his hand without thinking and led him to the top of the building.

his heart skipped a beat, he looked at her hand holding his and a sweet sensation swept through his body. he momentarily forgot that his friends were waiting for him to play his game. he momentarily forgot he had to go back home. he momentarily forgot everything.

she opened the door to the terrace and the warm breeze greeted them. welcoming them to an age of innocence. she turned around and said, well i know you study well so can you help me with these lessons. she hoped that he wouldnt see through her excuse, that she was convincing as she said it. he nodded his head and they sat down. he didnt mind helping her, as he watched the sunrays play with her soft skin, her radiant black eyes lighting up everytime she got a right answer, her hands slowly turning the pages of the book over. her slender figure wrapped in that red chudidhaar she arced back everytime to look up towards the sky as if praying for the gods to rain.

and suddenly it did, like only in india. a sudden downpour with no warning, heavy rains that drenched them in seconds. he waited for a bit to look at her as the raindrops fell on her cheeks. then covering the books they ran to safety. he was wet, she was shivering.

with a smile she kissed him. he held her close and suddenly he blurted "i love you". it was the innocent expression of a 15 year old boy to a 14 year old girl. he knew neither its meaning nor its definition nor what was expected from him. but he knew that was the only way he could let her know about his affection for her. she laughed and kissed his cheek again.


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