Tuesday, August 17, 2010

of nights and more

the night was cold, chilly and he put his hands deeper into the jacket pockets. he was walking along with his friends. and innuendos rang across the group, the leg pulling and the harmless jokes. the walk was quite long , being late at night and in a boisterous mood nothing could be better. the weekend lay in front of him and he wanted to do nothing at all. thats a comfort.
the plan was to drink a little more in the porch of the house. and there was enough for everyone, many brands .. the setting was perfect. and it was a quiet nrighborhood in between beautiful houses and greenery all around. soon they reached where they had to be , looked around and grabbed a few bottles. he was in a beautiful state already, nice light mood ... someone turned up the radio and it was wonderful. sitting around the couch , everyone made themselves comfortable. sipping out from the jeremiah , it hit him hard but smooth. as he gulped it a wonderful feeling gripped his body. he looked at it in wonder. wooow.
he started reminiscing about the movie he watched donnie darko. soon someone started talking about , the last scene as the guy starts to laugh.. he laughs in realization , in full control of his future and he falls on the bed to say his final goodbye, to bid adieu. the night was calm, interrupted by the conversation of his friends. the road right in front of them, with trees on both sides pitch dark except for the corner streetlight. a gentle breeze was blowing across which further heightened the nice mood. someone turned up the radio a little more and he heard jessie's girl and everyone started into a melody.
soon conversation turned to the cities and places of the world. he just lay quiet, in a different world actually and he realized he was not thinking anything at all. didnt it feel wonderful . oh jeremiah the places it takes you.


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